Warner Bros To Make Donation

July 24, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

After the late night massacre at screening of "The Dark Knight Rises", Warner Bros. will be making donations to several charities in the Aurora, Colorado area to support the victims of the shooting spree.  Warner Bros and their representative refuse to disclose the amount being donated, but it is said that it is a large number. This donation will go to the families of the 12 killed and to the dozens injured.

Warner Bros. is the Hollywood organization to make a charitable gift. This just shows how much of a heart the CEO has. In the wake of the massacre, the studio sent out a message addressing their concern and sadness. In respect to the families of people lost, they withheld releasing their box office figures for the opening weekend and canceled other events overseas. Not too many companies would do such a thing. Big corporations nowadays only are concerned with money money money. They probably would have had someone send out some words offering condolences, but how many would say they would donate money to charity aiming to specifically help those affected. The company that owns the movie theatre where this happened hasn't stepped in to offer any type of charity either. No one is asking them to, but that just shows you how some companies operate and think.

If anyone wants to donate , the governor of Colorado has set up a fund on www.givingfirst.org, which is a program of Colorado's Community First Foundation. The fund distributes all the monies across several charities that will support the victims of the July 20 killing spree.


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